Wednesday 27 October 2010

Gorgeous Lily Jane Jackson

I photographed Nicky and James's big day 2 years ago when I was pregnant with my second little monkey Louie and we have since become friends. I was so so excited when Nicky invited me to their home to photograph the BEAUTIFUL 10 month old Lily as I had a vision already in my head as to how the final shots would look. Plus with Nicky being a huge fan of my work and having already photographed her and James I was VERY excited!

Looking at these photographs you would have no idea that this poor little popett (and Mummy and Daddy) has had to deal with terrible allergies with food and animals (we even gave their beloved doggy Jack a loving new home after they had terrible news that Lily was very allergic to their fur baby :-(. )

Now Nicky is a huge fan of Black and White photography and if she had her way she would have prob had ALL her wedding photos and these in B&W. BUT she has put in trust in me to prove to her that a sprinkle of colour can do magical things.

I hope you both love these shots as much as I do and I hope that through tough times and when your sad about memories of the Little boy (Jack) that these bring you smiles and happiness :-) MWAH! I look forward to photographing your gorgeous little family as Lily grows up.

Monday 18 October 2010

Ruby & Ava

I photographed these two little beauties a few months ago when little Ava was Christened. I was very excited when asked to photograph them again as i'm sure you will all agree they are STUNNING and a joy to photograph. Ruby (4) LOVES being in front of the camera and had lots of fun. Ava (9 months) was a little unsure to start with as we had to wake her from her nap, but that worked well as we got her sleepy, sucking in bottom lip face, which i lOVE. Towards the end of the shoot Ava got a little fed up with being pulled about by her adoring older sister and also with me poking my big lens in her face, but after a little snack and some time out she perked up again and we were able to get some stunning shots. I'm hoping mummy books me again so we can do some outdoors shot with these beautiful little ladies when they are a little older!

Friday 15 October 2010

Mr & Mrs Douglas

Sarah and Justin got hitched at one of my favorite venues Hexton Manor. It was a fab day, the rain managed to stay away until it didn't matter and the Bride and Groom plus their three gorgeous children all looked wonderful!

Huge congrats you two! xx