Tuesday 11 May 2010

Ava's Special Day

Last weekend I had the honor of capturing little Ava's Christening in Potters Bar. She was as good as gold and when the water was poured over her head she didn't make a sound. Her big sister Ruby LOVED the camera and kept coming up to me and saying "Here come on, have another picture of me" and than posed ;-).

Saturday 8 May 2010

Our Abbi Fix.

My cousin Abbi (and my children's God Mother (yes Smelly I'd like you to be Louie's God Mummy too when you decide to come home!! ;-) is a very special person in mine and my children's life, she is more like a sister and best friend to me and we have grown up very closely and share lots of magic memories, as well as sharing one of the worst times in our lives a year or so ago when we lost the "Glue" to our family, our INCREDIBLE Nanna.

Abbi is also a buddy Photographer and a VERY talented lady indeed (check out her work http://www.abbikemp.com/ & http://ithinkyoulooknice.blogspot.com/ ). Our work is very different as our inspiration is very different at this stage in our lives but our love and passion for capturing special moments is the same and I know one day she will be very successful.

At the moment Abbi is in South America capturing special moments with her camera and we miss her TERRIBLY :-(. Sooooo Evie, Louie and I decided we needed an "Abbi Fix" a couple of weeks ago and went to her family home (which is a very special place to me as it is a home that we all grew up in, shared lots of our special memories as a family and luckily continue to do so as a growing family.) As children we collected Tad Poles from nearby streams, picked wild flowers on exciting walks, played Barbies for hours on end and watched our cheeky little brothers marching up and down the garden looking for gross things to do (Boys being Boys).

Anyway as I mentioned above my babies and I went for our "Abbi Fix" and played in her bedroom for a bit, took her beloved Doggies (Bob and Frank) for a walk to the Bluebell Woods near her home and took some photos to send to Abbi to make her feel as home sick as possible in the home she will come home sooner rather than later!!

I hope you like: